Hi there, everyone ! I'm a french graphic illustrator that also draw adult pictures and I want to make my way in the wonderful world of Hentai and Porno.
I will share with you my works and I hope that you will enjoy them.

Age 36, Male

Graphist illustrator


Joined on 12/3/18

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BlueUmbra's News

Posted by BlueUmbra - April 24th, 2022

Today, I gonna vote for the next president of France. The only thing I can say is, I don't want France to be ruled by a racist and antisemitic person that divide population, instead of assemble it.


Posted by BlueUmbra - April 13th, 2022

My last sketches were rough and hazardous, until I realize my wooden pencil was too small and uncomfortable to handle in hand. Now that I bought new ones, the sketches are more precise, accurate and clean.

In France, we have expressions saying "On reconnaît un bon ouvrier à ses outils" "you recognize a good worker by his tools" or "Un bon ouvrier est un ouvrier avec de bons outils" "A good worker is a worker with good tools". I was totally in those situations.

Does it happen to you artists too ?


Posted by BlueUmbra - March 8th, 2022

Hi there, everyone.

I'm glad to announce that since February 14th, I'm working as a graphist illustrator for an educative start-up. I can't tell you the contents, but I can say I'm assignated to concept art, character design, doing comic strips, layout and templates. The good thing is I'm working at home. The bad thing is the amount of work to do is intense and time-consuming. Meaning, I have less time to imagine and drawing NSFW pictures.

I wanted to warn you that I might draw at least 1 NSFW picture per month, if at all. So if you are seeing I'm less active or less present on NSFW sites, don't worry, I'm not abandoning you. Until next time, I wish you have a nice day.


Posted by BlueUmbra - February 20th, 2022

I'm streaming on picarto, working on a nsfw pic with my OC shiny Arbok





Posted by BlueUmbra - January 5th, 2022

The day is January 5th, and it's past 11h30am. I'm now officially 33 yo. I feel a little more mature and more confident about my adulthood and bi sex life.



Posted by BlueUmbra - December 26th, 2021

Posted by BlueUmbra - December 10th, 2021

I read in the news that Tokyo city will recognize in 2023 same sex marriage and same sex union. So it mean that in near future, mangakas and animators could represent more gay and lesbian couples in medias. Try to imagine all the new good possibilities and positives consequences in the NSFW world. It's a victory for LGBTQ+ community.



Posted by BlueUmbra - December 9th, 2021

Hi there everyone.

 I'm still looking for a job and I'm obligated to focus on what is important right now. However it doesn't mean I'll stop drawing NSFW contents. I still sketch some ideas for December and I'll publish NSFW pics once it's done. I"m doing what I have to do to get off this situation and I hope everything will be alright ASAP. I miss drawing contents for you and it hurts my heart to put my NSFW career in stand by.

I don't know how long I'll stay jobless, but one thing I sure is, when I'll get in a better situation, I shall resume creating lewd and arousing pictures and I'll share them with you guys.

Until next time, I wish you to have a great day.



Posted by BlueUmbra - November 9th, 2021

I just quit my job, after working only 1 week. It was too much and too intense for me, and we weren't in rush time yet... The big boss refused to hire more people and everyone was doing 3 different tasks minimum. No, just f*cking no. I was about to sign for an infographist job and i ended putting photos in letters, for hours, or creating manually printed documents cause they have an informative problem that would only be solved in 1 month... What the heck !?

Anyway, before resuming drawing nsfw stuffs, I now have to find another job, and a better one if possible.


Posted by BlueUmbra - November 8th, 2021

Since Nov 2th, I work as an infographist in a workshop, from 8am to 5pm, meaning I only got freetime to draw at evening and during weekend. Making nsfw pics will take me more time than usual. So don't worry if you don't see updates of my artworks often.
