Hello, everyone.
I was wandering on the internet, when a topic catched my attention about SadPanda and ExHentai.
Apparently the websites are closed and E-hentai will be the next, in more than 1 year, at the end of 2020.
Personnaly, this announcement affects me deep down in the heart. E-Hentai is for me a golden mine, with infinite materials, inspirations, references and works of great artists I discovered on this very site through all this years. Learning that it will be the end in near future is something.... First Tumblr and now E-hentai ? Woow...
I feel like a huge part of me and of my time will be gone forever. Call me crazy, but now that I know the tragic destiny of E-Hentai, it's like learning that your best friend got cancer and that the only thing you can do is watching him, slowing dying...
I know this is not the end of the world, that the artists I like and follow still publish their works on others sites, but I can't help myself to be sad. It's never easily to say goodbye, but saying thank your for all these years is the only thing I can say.
Anyway, I will now savor every second each time I'll go on E-hentai, until the end.